3 Things You Can Do Now to Protect Your Business from Ransomware

Cybersecurity & Ransomware Protection

Over the course of the last several weeks, we have seen an increase in malicious activity in the IT world. This blog is a reminder of three things you can do now to protect your business from ransomware and other malicious attacks from cybercriminals.


Phishing attack have been increasing in the last month and is a significant threat to work from home users. To help mitigate phishing email attacks:

  • Do not open attachments from anyone that you are not a party to – if you’re not sure, you can always call that person to help validate the email
  • Do not click on links in emails from anyone that you do not know
  • In general, be extremely careful with attachments and links from people you know as you never know if their account has been hacked and is sending out malicious emails
  • If you accidentally click on a link that you believe is malicious, immediately turn off your computer and call us

Web Surfing

If possible, limit your web surfing on company devices to work related sites only, specifically ones you know are safe. Over the last several weeks, many “reliable” websites have been hacked and have links in them to point to malware, viruses, etc.

Remote Access

Many employees are using a personal device at home that isn’t managed by the company. There are risks of accessing resources in the office that can compromise even the systems in the office. To help mitigate those risks:

  • If you are remoting into a desktop in the office, make sure to log off of it when you aren’t working
  • If your office has webmail, limit access to that page from your personal device. If you can use Outlook or another mail client, use that instead
  • VPN: do not use VPN on a non-company deployed device – we can provide you remote access to a desktop in the office in a safer method

15-Minute Response Rates

If you would like white-glove, concierge level IT support, contact us. We will perform a technology landscape assessment that will identify your technology issues, along with a structured implementation plan for addressing immediate and long-term needs. Our recommendations include clear explanations, an outline of options and risks and all of the information you need to make the right technology choices for your organization.

Contact us to learn more about cybersecurity and protecting yourself from ransomware